class documentation

class DMLWhereBase(object):

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Delete, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Update

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Method ​_filter​_by​_zero Undocumented
Method filter A synonym for the _dml.DMLWhereBase.where method.
Method filter​_by apply the given filtering criterion as a WHERE clause to this select.
Method where Return a new construct with the given expression(s) added to its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.
Class Variable ​_where​_criteria Undocumented
Property whereclause Return the completed WHERE clause for this .DMLWhereBase statement.
def _filter_by_zero(self):


def filter(self, *criteria):

A synonym for the _dml.DMLWhereBase.where method.

New in version 1.4.
def filter_by(self, **kwargs):
apply the given filtering criterion as a WHERE clause to this select.
def where(self, *whereclause):

Return a new construct with the given expression(s) added to its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.

Both _dml.Update.where and _dml.Delete.where support multiple-table forms, including database-specific UPDATE...FROM as well as DELETE..USING. For backends that don't have multiple-table support, a backend agnostic approach to using multiple tables is to make use of correlated subqueries. See the linked tutorial sections below for examples.

_where_criteria: tuple =


whereclause =

Return the completed WHERE clause for this .DMLWhereBase statement.

This assembles the current collection of WHERE criteria into a single _expression.BooleanClauseList construct.

New in version 1.4.