class documentation

class RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(HTTPException):

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431 Request Header Fields Too Large

The server refuses to process the request because the header fields are too large. One or more individual fields may be too large, or the set of all headers is too large.

Class Variable code Undocumented
Class Variable description Undocumented

Inherited from HTTPException:

Class Method wrap Create an exception that is a subclass of the calling HTTP exception and the exception argument.
Method __call__ Call the exception as WSGI application.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method get​_body Get the HTML body.
Method get​_description Get the description.
Method get​_headers Get a list of headers.
Method get​_response Get a response object. If one was passed to the exception it's returned directly.
Instance Variable response Undocumented
Property name The status name.
code: int =
description: str =