class documentation

class IntegerConverter(NumberConverter):

View In Hierarchy

This converter only accepts integer values:


By default it only accepts unsigned, positive values. The signed parameter will enable signed, negative values.

New in version 0.15: The signed parameter.
mapThe Map.
fixed​_digitsThe number of fixed digits in the URL. If you set this to 4 for example, the rule will only match if the URL looks like /0001/. The default is variable length.
minThe minimal value.
maxThe maximal value.
signedAllow signed (negative) values.
Class Variable regex Undocumented

Inherited from NumberConverter:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method to​_python Undocumented
Method to​_url Undocumented
Class Variable weight Undocumented
Instance Variable fixed​_digits Undocumented
Instance Variable max Undocumented
Instance Variable min Undocumented
Instance Variable signed Undocumented
Property signed​_regex Undocumented

Inherited from BaseConverter (via NumberConverter):

Instance Variable map Undocumented
regex: str =