module documentation

A file interface for handling local and remote data files.

The goal of datasource is to abstract some of the file system operations when dealing with data files so the researcher doesn't have to know all the low-level details. Through datasource, a researcher can obtain and use a file with one function call, regardless of location of the file.

DataSource is meant to augment standard python libraries, not replace them. It should work seamlessly with standard file IO operations and the os module.

DataSource files can originate locally or remotely:

DataSource files can also be compressed or uncompressed. Currently only gzip, bz2 and xz are supported.


>>> # Create a DataSource, use os.curdir (default) for local storage.
>>> from numpy import DataSource
>>> ds = DataSource()
>>> # Open a remote file.
>>> # DataSource downloads the file, stores it locally in:
>>> #     './'
>>> # opens the file and returns a file object.
>>> fp ='') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # Use the file as you normally would
>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> fp.close() # doctest: +SKIP
Class _​File​Openers Container for different methods to open (un-)compressed files.
Class ​Repository Repository(baseurl, destpath='.')
Function ​_check​_mode Check mode and that encoding and newline are compatible.
Function open Open path with mode and return the file object.
Variable ​_file​_openers Undocumented
def _check_mode(mode, encoding, newline):

Check mode and that encoding and newline are compatible.


mode : str
File open mode.
encoding : str
File encoding.
newline : str
Newline for text files.
def open(path, mode='r', destpath=os.curdir, encoding=None, newline=None):

Open path with mode and return the file object.

If path is an URL, it will be downloaded, stored in the DataSource destpath directory and opened from there.


path : str
Local file path or URL to open.
mode : str, optional
Mode to open path. Mode 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing, 'a' to append. Available modes depend on the type of object specified by path. Default is 'r'.
destpath : str, optional
Path to the directory where the source file gets downloaded to for use. If destpath is None, a temporary directory will be created. The default path is the current directory.
encoding : {None, str}, optional
Open text file with given encoding. The default encoding will be what uses.
newline : {None, str}, optional
Newline to use when reading text file.


out : file object
The opened file.


This is a convenience function that instantiates a DataSource and returns the file object from

_file_openers =
