class documentation

class URL(util.namedtuple('URL', ['drivername', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'database', 'query'])):

View In Hierarchy

Represent the components of a URL used to connect to a database.

This object is suitable to be passed directly to a _sa.create_engine call. The fields of the URL are parsed from a string by the .make_url function. The string format of the URL is an RFC-1738-style string.

To create a new _engine.URL object, use the _engine.url.make_url function. To construct a _engine.URL programmatically, use the _engine.URL.create constructor.

Changed in version 1.4: The _engine.URL object is now an immutable object. To create a URL, use the _engine.make_url or _engine.URL.create function / method. To modify a _engine.URL, use methods like _engine.URL.set and _engine.URL.update_query_dict to return a new _engine.URL object with modifications. See notes for this change at :ref:`change_5526`.

_engine.URL contains the following attributes:

  • _engine.URL.drivername: database backend and driver name, such as postgresql+psycopg2

  • _engine.URL.username: username string

  • _engine.URL.password: password string, or object that includes a __str__() method that produces a password.


    A password-producing object will be stringified only once per _engine.Engine object. For dynamic password generation per connect, see :ref:`engines_dynamic_tokens`.

  • string hostname

  • _engine.URL.port: integer port number

  • _engine.URL.database: string database name

  • _engine.URL.query: an immutable mapping representing the query string. contains strings for keys and either strings or tuples of strings for values.

Class Method create Create a new _engine.URL object.
Class Method ​_assert​_none​_str Undocumented
Class Method ​_assert​_port Undocumented
Class Method ​_assert​_str Undocumented
Class Method ​_str​_dict Undocumented
Method __copy__ Undocumented
Method __deepcopy__ Undocumented
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __new__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method __to​_string__ Render this _engine.URL object as a string.
Method ​_get​_entrypoint Return the "entry point" dialect class.
Method ​_instantiate​_plugins Undocumented
Method ​_replace Override namedtuple._replace() to provide argument checking.
Method difference​_update​_query Remove the given names from the _engine.URL.query dictionary, returning the new _engine.URL.
Method get​_backend​_name Return the backend name.
Method get​_dialect Return the SQLAlchemy _engine.Dialect class corresponding to this URL's driver name.
Method get​_driver​_name Return the backend name.
Method render​_as​_string Render this _engine.URL object as a string.
Method set return a new _engine.URL object with modifications.
Method translate​_connect​_args Translate url attributes into a dictionary of connection arguments.
Method update​_query​_dict Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given dictionary.
Method update​_query​_pairs Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given sequence of key/value pairs
Method update​_query​_string Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given query string.
Property normalized​_query Return the _engine.URL.query dictionary with values normalized into sequences.
def create(cls, drivername, username=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database=None, query=util.EMPTY_DICT):

Create a new _engine.URL object.

New in version 1.4: The _engine.URL object is now an immutable named tuple. In addition, the query dictionary is also immutable. To create a URL, use the _engine.url.make_url or _engine.URL.create function/ method. To modify a _engine.URL, use the _engine.URL.set and _engine.URL.update_query methods.
drivernamethe name of the database backend. This name will correspond to a module in sqlalchemy/databases or a third party plug-in.
usernameThe user name.

database password. Is typically a string, but may also be an object that can be stringified with str().


A password-producing object will be stringified only once per _engine.Engine object. For dynamic password generation per connect, see :ref:`engines_dynamic_tokens`.

hostThe name of the host.
portThe port number.
databaseThe database name.
queryA dictionary of string keys to string values to be passed to the dialect and/or the DBAPI upon connect. To specify non-string parameters to a Python DBAPI directly, use the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.connect_args` parameter to _sa.create_engine. See also _engine.URL.normalized_query for a dictionary that is consistently string->list of string.
new _engine.URL object.
def _assert_none_str(cls, v, paramname):


def _assert_port(cls, port):


def _assert_str(cls, v, paramname):


def _str_dict(cls, dict_):


def __copy__(self):


def __deepcopy__(self, memo):


def __eq__(self, other):


def __hash__(self):


def __ne__(self, other):


def __new__(self, *arg, **kw):


def __repr__(self):


def __str__(self):


@util.deprecated('1.4', 'The :meth:`_engine.URL.__to_string__ method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the :meth:`_engine.URL.render_as_string` method.')
def __to_string__(self, hide_password=True):
Render this _engine.URL object as a string.
hide​_passwordDefaults to True. The password is not shown in the string unless this is set to False.
def _get_entrypoint(self):

Return the "entry point" dialect class.

This is normally the dialect itself except in the case when the returned class implements the get_dialect_cls() method.

def _instantiate_plugins(self, kwargs):


def _replace(self, **kw):
Override namedtuple._replace() to provide argument checking.
def difference_update_query(self, names):

Remove the given names from the _engine.URL.query dictionary, returning the new _engine.URL.


url = url.difference_update_query(['foo', 'bar'])

Equivalent to using _engine.URL.set as follows:

url = url.set(
        key: url.query[key]
        for key in set(url.query).difference(['foo', 'bar'])
New in version 1.4.

See Also




def get_backend_name(self):

Return the backend name.

This is the name that corresponds to the database backend in use, and is the portion of the _engine.URL.drivername that is to the left of the plus sign.

def get_dialect(self):
Return the SQLAlchemy _engine.Dialect class corresponding to this URL's driver name.
def get_driver_name(self):

Return the backend name.

This is the name that corresponds to the DBAPI driver in use, and is the portion of the _engine.URL.drivername that is to the right of the plus sign.

If the _engine.URL.drivername does not include a plus sign, then the default _engine.Dialect for this _engine.URL is imported in order to get the driver name.

def render_as_string(self, hide_password=True):

Render this _engine.URL object as a string.

This method is used when the __str__() or __repr__() methods are used. The method directly includes additional options.

hide​_passwordDefaults to True. The password is not shown in the string unless this is set to False.
def set(self, drivername=None, username=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database=None, query=None):

return a new _engine.URL object with modifications.

Values are used if they are non-None. To set a value to None explicitly, use the _engine.URL._replace method adapted from namedtuple.

New in version 1.4.

See Also


drivernamenew drivername
usernamenew username
passwordnew password
hostnew hostname
portnew port
querynew query parameters, passed a dict of string keys referring to string or sequence of string values. Fully replaces the previous list of arguments.
new _engine.URL object.
def translate_connect_args(self, names=None, **kw):

Translate url attributes into a dictionary of connection arguments.

Returns attributes of this url (host, database, username, password, port) as a plain dictionary. The attribute names are used as the keys by default. Unset or false attributes are omitted from the final dictionary.

namesDeprecated. Same purpose as the keyword-based alternate names, but correlates the name to the original positionally.
**kwOptional, alternate key names for url attributes.
def update_query_dict(self, query_parameters, append=False):

Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given dictionary.

The dictionary typically contains string keys and string values. In order to represent a query parameter that is expressed multiple times, pass a sequence of string values.


>>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
>>> url = make_url("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname")
>>> url = url.update_query_dict({"alt_host": ["host1", "host2"], "ssl_cipher": "/path/to/crt"})
>>> str(url)
New in version 1.4.

See Also






query​_parametersA dictionary with string keys and values that are either strings, or sequences of strings.
appendif True, parameters in the existing query string will not be removed; new parameters will be in addition to those present. If left at its default of False, keys present in the given query parameters will replace those of the existing query string.
def update_query_pairs(self, key_value_pairs, append=False):

Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given sequence of key/value pairs


>>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
>>> url = make_url("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname")
>>> url = url.update_query_pairs([("alt_host", "host1"), ("alt_host", "host2"), ("ssl_cipher", "/path/to/crt")])
>>> str(url)
New in version 1.4.

See Also




key​_value​_pairsA sequence of tuples containing two strings each.
appendif True, parameters in the existing query string will not be removed; new parameters will be in addition to those present. If left at its default of False, keys present in the given query parameters will replace those of the existing query string.
def update_query_string(self, query_string, append=False):

Return a new _engine.URL object with the _engine.URL.query parameter dictionary updated by the given query string.


>>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
>>> url = make_url("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname")
>>> url = url.update_query_string("alt_host=host1&alt_host=host2&ssl_cipher=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fcrt")
>>> str(url)
New in version 1.4.

See Also



query​_stringa URL escaped query string, not including the question mark.
appendif True, parameters in the existing query string will not be removed; new parameters will be in addition to those present. If left at its default of False, keys present in the given query parameters will replace those of the existing query string.
normalized_query =

Return the _engine.URL.query dictionary with values normalized into sequences.

As the _engine.URL.query dictionary may contain either string values or sequences of string values to differentiate between parameters that are specified multiple times in the query string, code that needs to handle multiple parameters generically will wish to use this attribute so that all parameters present are presented as sequences. Inspiration is from Python's urllib.parse.parse_qs function. E.g.:

>>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
>>> url = make_url("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname?alt_host=host1&alt_host=host2&ssl_cipher=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fcrt")
>>> url.query
immutabledict({'alt_host': ('host1', 'host2'), 'ssl_cipher': '/path/to/crt'})
>>> url.normalized_query
immutabledict({'alt_host': ('host1', 'host2'), 'ssl_cipher': ('/path/to/crt',)})