module documentation

Array printing function

$Id:,v 1.9 2005/09/13 13:58:44 teoliphant Exp $

Class _​Timelike​Format Undocumented
Class ​Bool​Format Undocumented
Class ​Complex​Floating​Format Formatter for subtypes of np.complexfloating
Class ​Datetime​Format Undocumented
Class ​Floating​Format Formatter for subtypes of np.floating
Class ​Integer​Format Undocumented
Class ​Structured​Void​Format Formatter for structured np.void objects.
Class ​Sub​Array​Format Undocumented
Class ​Timedelta​Format Undocumented
Function ​_array2string Undocumented
Function ​_array2string​_dispatcher Undocumented
Function ​_array​_repr​_dispatcher Undocumented
Function ​_array​_repr​_implementation Internal version of array_repr() that allows overriding array2string.
Function ​_array​_str​_dispatcher Undocumented
Function ​_array​_str​_implementation Internal version of array_str() that allows overriding array2string.
Function _extend​Line Undocumented
Function _extend​Line_pretty Extends line with nicely formatted (possibly multi-line) string word.
Function _format​Array formatArray is designed for two modes of operation:
Function ​_get​_format​_function find the right formatting function for the dtype_
Function ​_get​_formatdict Undocumented
Function ​_get​_legacy​_print​_mode Return the legacy print mode as an int.
Function ​_guarded​_repr​_or​_str Undocumented
Function ​_leading​_trailing Keep only the N-D corners (leading and trailing edges) of an array.
Function ​_make​_options​_dict Make a dictionary out of the non-None arguments, plus conversion of legacy and sanity checks.
Function ​_none​_or​_positive​_arg Undocumented
Function ​_object​_format Object arrays containing lists should be printed unambiguously
Function ​_recursive​_guard Like the python 3.2 reprlib.recursive_repr, but forwards *args and **kwargs
Function ​_void​_scalar​_repr Implements the repr for structured-void scalars. It is called from the scalartypes.c.src code, and is placed here because it uses the elementwise formatters defined above.
Function array2string Return a string representation of an array.
Function array​_repr Return the string representation of an array.
Function array​_str Return a string representation of the data in an array.
Function dtype​_is​_implied Determine if the given dtype is implied by the representation of its values.
Function dtype​_short​_repr Convert a dtype to a short form which evaluates to the same dtype.
Function format​_float​_positional Format a floating-point scalar as a decimal string in positional notation.
Function format​_float​_scientific Format a floating-point scalar as a decimal string in scientific notation.
Function get​_printoptions Return the current print options.
Function printoptions Context manager for setting print options.
Function repr​_format Undocumented
Function set​_printoptions Set printing options.
Function set​_string​_function Set a Python function to be used when pretty printing arrays.
Function str​_format Undocumented
Variable ​_array2string​_impl Undocumented
Variable ​_default​_array​_repr Undocumented
Variable ​_default​_array​_str Undocumented
Variable ​_format​_options Undocumented
Variable ​_typelessdata Undocumented
def _array2string(a, options, separator=' ', prefix=''):


def _array2string_dispatcher(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None, separator=None, prefix=None, style=None, formatter=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, sign=None, floatmode=None, suffix=None, *, legacy=None):


def _array_repr_dispatcher(arr, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None):


def _array_repr_implementation(arr, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None, array2string=array2string):
Internal version of array_repr() that allows overriding array2string.
def _array_str_dispatcher(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None):


def _array_str_implementation(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None, array2string=array2string):
Internal version of array_str() that allows overriding array2string.
def _extendLine(s, line, word, line_width, next_line_prefix, legacy):


def _extendLine_pretty(s, line, word, line_width, next_line_prefix, legacy):
Extends line with nicely formatted (possibly multi-line) string word.
def _formatArray(a, format_function, line_width, next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert, legacy):

formatArray is designed for two modes of operation:

  1. Full output
  2. Summarized output
def _get_format_function(data, **options):
find the right formatting function for the dtype_
def _get_formatdict(data, *, precision, floatmode, suppress, sign, legacy, formatter, **kwargs):


def _get_legacy_print_mode():
Return the legacy print mode as an int.
def _guarded_repr_or_str(v):


def _leading_trailing(a, edgeitems, index=()):

Keep only the N-D corners (leading and trailing edges) of an array.

Should be passed a base-class ndarray, since it makes no guarantees about preserving subclasses.

def _make_options_dict(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=None, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None, sign=None, formatter=None, floatmode=None, legacy=None):
Make a dictionary out of the non-None arguments, plus conversion of legacy and sanity checks.
def _none_or_positive_arg(x, name):


def _object_format(o):
Object arrays containing lists should be printed unambiguously
def _recursive_guard(fillvalue='...'):

Like the python 3.2 reprlib.recursive_repr, but forwards *args and **kwargs

Decorates a function such that if it calls itself with the same first argument, it returns fillvalue instead of recursing.

Largely copied from reprlib.recursive_repr

def _void_scalar_repr(x):
Implements the repr for structured-void scalars. It is called from the scalartypes.c.src code, and is placed here because it uses the elementwise formatters defined above.
@array_function_dispatch(_array2string_dispatcher, module='numpy')
def array2string(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None, separator=' ', prefix='', style=np._NoValue, formatter=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, sign=None, floatmode=None, suffix='', *, legacy=None):

Return a string representation of an array.


a : ndarray
Input array.
max_line_width : int, optional
Inserts newlines if text is longer than max_line_width. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['linewidth'].
precision : int or None, optional
Floating point precision. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['precision'].
suppress_small : bool, optional
Represent numbers "very close" to zero as zero; default is False. Very close is defined by precision: if the precision is 8, e.g., numbers smaller (in absolute value) than 5e-9 are represented as zero. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['suppress'].
separator : str, optional
Inserted between elements.

prefix : str, optional suffix : str, optional

The length of the prefix and suffix strings are used to respectively align and wrap the output. An array is typically printed as:

prefix + array2string(a) + suffix

The output is left-padded by the length of the prefix string, and wrapping is forced at the column max_line_width - len(suffix). It should be noted that the content of prefix and suffix strings are not included in the output.

style : _NoValue, optional

Has no effect, do not use.

Deprecated since version 1.14.0.
formatter : dict of callables, optional

If not None, the keys should indicate the type(s) that the respective formatting function applies to. Callables should return a string. Types that are not specified (by their corresponding keys) are handled by the default formatters. Individual types for which a formatter can be set are:

  • 'bool'
  • 'int'
  • 'timedelta' : a numpy.timedelta64
  • 'datetime' : a numpy.datetime64
  • 'float'
  • 'longfloat' : 128-bit floats
  • 'complexfloat'
  • 'longcomplexfloat' : composed of two 128-bit floats
  • 'void' : type numpy.void
  • 'numpystr' : types numpy.string_ and numpy.unicode_

Other keys that can be used to set a group of types at once are:

  • 'all' : sets all types
  • 'int_kind' : sets 'int'
  • 'float_kind' : sets 'float' and 'longfloat'
  • 'complex_kind' : sets 'complexfloat' and 'longcomplexfloat'
  • 'str_kind' : sets 'numpystr'
threshold : int, optional
Total number of array elements which trigger summarization rather than full repr. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['threshold'].
edgeitems : int, optional
Number of array items in summary at beginning and end of each dimension. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['edgeitems'].
sign : string, either '-', '+', or ' ', optional
Controls printing of the sign of floating-point types. If '+', always print the sign of positive values. If ' ', always prints a space (whitespace character) in the sign position of positive values. If '-', omit the sign character of positive values. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['sign'].
floatmode : str, optional

Controls the interpretation of the precision option for floating-point types. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['floatmode']. Can take the following values:

  • 'fixed': Always print exactly precision fractional digits, even if this would print more or fewer digits than necessary to specify the value uniquely.
  • 'unique': Print the minimum number of fractional digits necessary to represent each value uniquely. Different elements may have a different number of digits. The value of the precision option is ignored.
  • 'maxprec': Print at most precision fractional digits, but if an element can be uniquely represented with fewer digits only print it with that many.
  • 'maxprec_equal': Print at most precision fractional digits, but if every element in the array can be uniquely represented with an equal number of fewer digits, use that many digits for all elements.
legacy : string or False, optional

If set to the string '1.13' enables 1.13 legacy printing mode. This approximates numpy 1.13 print output by including a space in the sign position of floats and different behavior for 0d arrays. If set to False, disables legacy mode. Unrecognized strings will be ignored with a warning for forward compatibility.

New in version 1.14.0.


array_str : str
String representation of the array.


if a callable in formatter does not return a string.

See Also

array_str, array_repr, set_printoptions, get_printoptions


If a formatter is specified for a certain type, the precision keyword is ignored for that type.

This is a very flexible function; array_repr and array_str are using array2string internally so keywords with the same name should work identically in all three functions.


>>> x = np.array([1e-16,1,2,3])
>>> np.array2string(x, precision=2, separator=',',
...                       suppress_small=True)
>>> x  = np.arange(3.)
>>> np.array2string(x, formatter={'float_kind':lambda x: "%.2f" % x})
'[0.00 1.00 2.00]'
>>> x  = np.arange(3)
>>> np.array2string(x, formatter={'int':lambda x: hex(x)})
'[0x0 0x1 0x2]'
@array_function_dispatch(_array_repr_dispatcher, module='numpy')
def array_repr(arr, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None):

Return the string representation of an array.


arr : ndarray
Input array.
max_line_width : int, optional
Inserts newlines if text is longer than max_line_width. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['linewidth'].
precision : int, optional
Floating point precision. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['precision'].
suppress_small : bool, optional
Represent numbers "very close" to zero as zero; default is False. Very close is defined by precision: if the precision is 8, e.g., numbers smaller (in absolute value) than 5e-9 are represented as zero. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['suppress'].


string : str
The string representation of an array.

See Also

array_str, array2string, set_printoptions


>>> np.array_repr(np.array([1,2]))
'array([1, 2])'
>>> np.array_repr([0.]))
>>> np.array_repr(np.array([], np.int32))
'array([], dtype=int32)'
>>> x = np.array([1e-6, 4e-7, 2, 3])
>>> np.array_repr(x, precision=6, suppress_small=True)
'array([0.000001,  0.      ,  2.      ,  3.      ])'
@array_function_dispatch(_array_str_dispatcher, module='numpy')
def array_str(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None):

Return a string representation of the data in an array.

The data in the array is returned as a single string. This function is similar to array_repr, the difference being that array_repr also returns information on the kind of array and its data type.


a : ndarray
Input array.
max_line_width : int, optional
Inserts newlines if text is longer than max_line_width. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['linewidth'].
precision : int, optional
Floating point precision. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['precision'].
suppress_small : bool, optional
Represent numbers "very close" to zero as zero; default is False. Very close is defined by precision: if the precision is 8, e.g., numbers smaller (in absolute value) than 5e-9 are represented as zero. Defaults to numpy.get_printoptions()['suppress'].

See Also

array2string, array_repr, set_printoptions


>>> np.array_str(np.arange(3))
'[0 1 2]'
def dtype_is_implied(dtype):

Determine if the given dtype is implied by the representation of its values.


dtype : dtype
Data type


implied : bool
True if the dtype is implied by the representation of its values.


>>> np.core.arrayprint.dtype_is_implied(int)
>>> np.array([1, 2, 3], int)
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> np.core.arrayprint.dtype_is_implied(np.int8)
>>> np.array([1, 2, 3], np.int8)
array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int8)
def dtype_short_repr(dtype):

Convert a dtype to a short form which evaluates to the same dtype.

The intent is roughly that the following holds

>>> from numpy import *
>>> dt = np.int64([1, 2]).dtype
>>> assert eval(dtype_short_repr(dt)) == dt
def format_float_positional(x, precision=None, unique=True, fractional=True, trim='k', sign=False, pad_left=None, pad_right=None, min_digits=None):

Format a floating-point scalar as a decimal string in positional notation.

Provides control over rounding, trimming and padding. Uses and assumes IEEE unbiased rounding. Uses the "Dragon4" algorithm.


x : python float or numpy floating scalar
Value to format.
precision : non-negative integer or None, optional
Maximum number of digits to print. May be None if unique is True, but must be an integer if unique is False.
unique : boolean, optional
If True, use a digit-generation strategy which gives the shortest representation which uniquely identifies the floating-point number from other values of the same type, by judicious rounding. If precision is given fewer digits than necessary can be printed, or if min_digits is given more can be printed, in which cases the last digit is rounded with unbiased rounding. If False, digits are generated as if printing an infinite-precision value and stopping after precision digits, rounding the remaining value with unbiased rounding
fractional : boolean, optional
If True, the cutoffs of precision and min_digits refer to the total number of digits after the decimal point, including leading zeros. If False, precision and min_digits refer to the total number of significant digits, before or after the decimal point, ignoring leading zeros.
trim : one of 'k', '.', '0', '-', optional

Controls post-processing trimming of trailing digits, as follows:

  • 'k' : keep trailing zeros, keep decimal point (no trimming)
  • '.' : trim all trailing zeros, leave decimal point
  • '0' : trim all but the zero before the decimal point. Insert the zero if it is missing.
  • '-' : trim trailing zeros and any trailing decimal point
sign : boolean, optional
Whether to show the sign for positive values.
pad_left : non-negative integer, optional
Pad the left side of the string with whitespace until at least that many characters are to the left of the decimal point.
pad_right : non-negative integer, optional
Pad the right side of the string with whitespace until at least that many characters are to the right of the decimal point.
min_digits : non-negative integer or None, optional

Minimum number of digits to print. Only has an effect if unique=True in which case additional digits past those necessary to uniquely identify the value may be printed, rounding the last additional digit.

-- versionadded:: 1.21.0


rep : string
The string representation of the floating point value

See Also



>>> np.format_float_positional(np.float32(np.pi))
>>> np.format_float_positional(np.float16(np.pi))
>>> np.format_float_positional(np.float16(0.3))
>>> np.format_float_positional(np.float16(0.3), unique=False, precision=10)
def format_float_scientific(x, precision=None, unique=True, trim='k', sign=False, pad_left=None, exp_digits=None, min_digits=None):

Format a floating-point scalar as a decimal string in scientific notation.

Provides control over rounding, trimming and padding. Uses and assumes IEEE unbiased rounding. Uses the "Dragon4" algorithm.


x : python float or numpy floating scalar
Value to format.
precision : non-negative integer or None, optional
Maximum number of digits to print. May be None if unique is True, but must be an integer if unique is False.
unique : boolean, optional
If True, use a digit-generation strategy which gives the shortest representation which uniquely identifies the floating-point number from other values of the same type, by judicious rounding. If precision is given fewer digits than necessary can be printed. If min_digits is given more can be printed, in which cases the last digit is rounded with unbiased rounding. If False, digits are generated as if printing an infinite-precision value and stopping after precision digits, rounding the remaining value with unbiased rounding
trim : one of 'k', '.', '0', '-', optional

Controls post-processing trimming of trailing digits, as follows:

  • 'k' : keep trailing zeros, keep decimal point (no trimming)
  • '.' : trim all trailing zeros, leave decimal point
  • '0' : trim all but the zero before the decimal point. Insert the zero if it is missing.
  • '-' : trim trailing zeros and any trailing decimal point
sign : boolean, optional
Whether to show the sign for positive values.
pad_left : non-negative integer, optional
Pad the left side of the string with whitespace until at least that many characters are to the left of the decimal point.
exp_digits : non-negative integer, optional
Pad the exponent with zeros until it contains at least this many digits. If omitted, the exponent will be at least 2 digits.
min_digits : non-negative integer or None, optional

Minimum number of digits to print. This only has an effect for unique=True. In that case more digits than necessary to uniquely identify the value may be printed and rounded unbiased.

-- versionadded:: 1.21.0


rep : string
The string representation of the floating point value

See Also



>>> np.format_float_scientific(np.float32(np.pi))
>>> s = np.float32(1.23e24)
>>> np.format_float_scientific(s, unique=False, precision=15)
>>> np.format_float_scientific(s, exp_digits=4)
def get_printoptions():

Return the current print options.


print_opts : dict

Dictionary of current print options with keys

  • precision : int
  • threshold : int
  • edgeitems : int
  • linewidth : int
  • suppress : bool
  • nanstr : str
  • infstr : str
  • formatter : dict of callables
  • sign : str

For a full description of these options, see set_printoptions.

See Also

set_printoptions, printoptions, set_string_function

def printoptions(*args, **kwargs):

Context manager for setting print options.

Set print options for the scope of the with block, and restore the old options at the end. See set_printoptions for the full description of available options.


>>> from numpy.testing import assert_equal
>>> with np.printoptions(precision=2):
...     np.array([2.0]) / 3

The as-clause of the with-statement gives the current print options:

>>> with np.printoptions(precision=2) as opts:
...      assert_equal(opts, np.get_printoptions())

See Also

set_printoptions, get_printoptions

def repr_format(x):


def set_printoptions(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=None, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None, formatter=None, sign=None, floatmode=None, *, legacy=None):

Set printing options.

These options determine the way floating point numbers, arrays and other NumPy objects are displayed.


precision : int or None, optional
Number of digits of precision for floating point output (default 8). May be None if floatmode is not fixed, to print as many digits as necessary to uniquely specify the value.
threshold : int, optional
Total number of array elements which trigger summarization rather than full repr (default 1000). To always use the full repr without summarization, pass sys.maxsize.
edgeitems : int, optional
Number of array items in summary at beginning and end of each dimension (default 3).
linewidth : int, optional
The number of characters per line for the purpose of inserting line breaks (default 75).
suppress : bool, optional
If True, always print floating point numbers using fixed point notation, in which case numbers equal to zero in the current precision will print as zero. If False, then scientific notation is used when absolute value of the smallest number is < 1e-4 or the ratio of the maximum absolute value to the minimum is > 1e3. The default is False.
nanstr : str, optional
String representation of floating point not-a-number (default nan).
infstr : str, optional
String representation of floating point infinity (default inf).
sign : string, either '-', '+', or ' ', optional
Controls printing of the sign of floating-point types. If '+', always print the sign of positive values. If ' ', always prints a space (whitespace character) in the sign position of positive values. If '-', omit the sign character of positive values. (default '-')
formatter : dict of callables, optional

If not None, the keys should indicate the type(s) that the respective formatting function applies to. Callables should return a string. Types that are not specified (by their corresponding keys) are handled by the default formatters. Individual types for which a formatter can be set are:

  • 'bool'
  • 'int'
  • 'timedelta' : a numpy.timedelta64
  • 'datetime' : a numpy.datetime64
  • 'float'
  • 'longfloat' : 128-bit floats
  • 'complexfloat'
  • 'longcomplexfloat' : composed of two 128-bit floats
  • 'numpystr' : types numpy.string_ and numpy.unicode_
  • 'object' : np.object_ arrays

Other keys that can be used to set a group of types at once are:

  • 'all' : sets all types
  • 'int_kind' : sets 'int'
  • 'float_kind' : sets 'float' and 'longfloat'
  • 'complex_kind' : sets 'complexfloat' and 'longcomplexfloat'
  • 'str_kind' : sets 'numpystr'
floatmode : str, optional

Controls the interpretation of the precision option for floating-point types. Can take the following values (default maxprec_equal):

  • 'fixed': Always print exactly precision fractional digits,
    even if this would print more or fewer digits than necessary to specify the value uniquely.
  • 'unique': Print the minimum number of fractional digits necessary
    to represent each value uniquely. Different elements may have a different number of digits. The value of the precision option is ignored.
  • 'maxprec': Print at most precision fractional digits, but if
    an element can be uniquely represented with fewer digits only print it with that many.
  • 'maxprec_equal': Print at most precision fractional digits,
    but if every element in the array can be uniquely represented with an equal number of fewer digits, use that many digits for all elements.
legacy : string or False, optional

If set to the string '1.13' enables 1.13 legacy printing mode. This approximates numpy 1.13 print output by including a space in the sign position of floats and different behavior for 0d arrays. This also enables 1.21 legacy printing mode (described below).

If set to the string '1.21' enables 1.21 legacy printing mode. This approximates numpy 1.21 print output of complex structured dtypes by not inserting spaces after commas that separate fields and after colons.

If set to False, disables legacy mode.

Unrecognized strings will be ignored with a warning for forward compatibility.

New in version 1.14.0.
Changed in version 1.22.0.

See Also

get_printoptions, printoptions, set_string_function, array2string


formatter is always reset with a call to set_printoptions.

Use printoptions as a context manager to set the values temporarily.


Floating point precision can be set:

>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4)
>>> np.array([1.123456789])

Long arrays can be summarised:

>>> np.set_printoptions(threshold=5)
>>> np.arange(10)
array([0, 1, 2, ..., 7, 8, 9])

Small results can be suppressed:

>>> eps = np.finfo(float).eps
>>> x = np.arange(4.)
>>> x**2 - (x + eps)**2
array([-4.9304e-32, -4.4409e-16,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00])
>>> np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)
>>> x**2 - (x + eps)**2
array([-0., -0.,  0.,  0.])

A custom formatter can be used to display array elements as desired:

>>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'all':lambda x: 'int: '+str(-x)})
>>> x = np.arange(3)
>>> x
array([int: 0, int: -1, int: -2])
>>> np.set_printoptions()  # formatter gets reset
>>> x
array([0, 1, 2])

To put back the default options, you can use:

>>> np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=3, infstr='inf',
... linewidth=75, nanstr='nan', precision=8,
... suppress=False, threshold=1000, formatter=None)

Also to temporarily override options, use printoptions as a context manager:

>>> with np.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, threshold=5):
...     np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
array([ 0.  ,  1.11,  2.22, ...,  7.78,  8.89, 10.  ])
def set_string_function(f, repr=True):

Set a Python function to be used when pretty printing arrays.


f : function or None
Function to be used to pretty print arrays. The function should expect a single array argument and return a string of the representation of the array. If None, the function is reset to the default NumPy function to print arrays.
repr : bool, optional
If True (default), the function for pretty printing (__repr__) is set, if False the function that returns the default string representation (__str__) is set.

See Also

set_printoptions, get_printoptions


>>> def pprint(arr):
...     return 'HA! - What are you going to do now?'
>>> np.set_string_function(pprint)
>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> a
HA! - What are you going to do now?
>>> _ = a
>>> # [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

We can reset the function to the default:

>>> np.set_string_function(None)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

repr affects either pretty printing or normal string representation. Note that __repr__ is still affected by setting __str__ because the width of each array element in the returned string becomes equal to the length of the result of __str__().

>>> x = np.arange(4)
>>> np.set_string_function(lambda x:'random', repr=False)
>>> x.__str__()
>>> x.__repr__()
'array([0, 1, 2, 3])'
def str_format(x):


_array2string_impl =


_default_array_repr =


_default_array_str =


_format_options =


_typelessdata =
